Party healthy with Bingo Rimér

Party healthy with Bingo Rimér

Bingo Rimér, no longer a girl photographer, talks about everything from couples therapy to the quality of his sperm. Loneliness is more dangerous than being sedentary, he says. And to achieve happiness, you just need to lower your expectations. Read more...
Professor: Moderate alcohol is good for health

Professor: Moderate alcohol is good for health

Exercise, snuff and exercise in moderation - that's what Fredrik Nyström, consultant and professor of internal medicine at Linköping University, recommends. In this week's episode of Health for the Unhealthy, we discuss health advice from the authorities and whether it actually does any good. Read more...
After Northvolt's crisis: has EU industrial policy unloaded?

After Northvolt's crisis: has EU industrial policy unloaded?

Jonas Grafström, a researcher at Ratio, the Swedish business research institute, has written a report on the collapse of the battery company Northvolt. Northvolt is not alone in being a failing battery company. There are other failing ventures in Europe. The EU...
PM Nilsson: Why does the far right hate bikes?

PM Nilsson: Why does the far right hate bikes?

PM Nilsson, supercyclist and CEO of Timbro, is concerned that fewer children are learning to ride a bike. He considers why the far-right hates cyclists and explains why the bicycle is in fact a bourgeois means of transport. Read more here