Party healthy with Bingo Rimér
Bingo Rimér, no longer a girl photographer, talks about everything from couples therapy to the quality of her sperm. Loneliness is more dangerous than...
The movie house
Borgvägen 1
115 53 Stockholm
Bingo Rimér, no longer a girl photographer, talks about everything from couples therapy to the quality of her sperm. Loneliness is more dangerous than...
Exercise, snuff and exercise in moderation, that's what Fredrik Nyström, chief physician and professor of internal medicine at Linköping University, recommends...
Jonas Grafström, a researcher at Ratio, the business research institute, has written a report based on the battery company Northvolt...
PM Nilsson, supercyclist and CEO of Timbro, is concerned that fewer children are learning to ride a bike. He wonders why the far right hates cyclists and...
Marie Göranzon generously shares her best life advice for a longer and healthier life in the podcast Health for the Unhealthy. Read more about it
Why do 11 % of Swedes use antidepressants? And is it a problem? In her novel Sertralin, Jessica Haas Forsling provides a personal answer, beyond the numbers and statistics.
In this week's episode, we answer a listener question about fasting and Vincent tells us the strangest thing he heard while infiltrating the anti-vaccination movement. Based on Hugo Mercier's book Not Born Yesterday, we discuss how conspiracy theories spread and why they are...
Bingo Rimér, no longer a girl photographer, talks about everything from couples therapy to the quality of his sperm. Loneliness is more dangerous than being sedentary, he says. And to achieve happiness, it is enough to lower expectations.
We are evaluating Kerstin Brismar's lifestyle advice on breakfast eating and stair climbing. We also looked at how to achieve more continuity in primary care. We look at why Norway has done better than Sweden, despite fewer doctors per capita.
Kerstin Brismar, professor at KI, comes to the defense of breakfast. Dinner, on the other hand, is a pain in the ass, so Brismar recommends not eating after 7pm. We go through the various health benefits of fasting and find out how best to proceed.
We look at reactions to Fredrik Nyström's advice on alcohol and health, ask whether society should pay for others to keep their weight down, and note once again that the far right really hates bikes.