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Professor: Vaginal birth is not for everyone

Professor: Vaginal birth is not for everyone

Ellika Andolf, Professor Emerita of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Karolinska Institutet, guests on the podcast Health for the Unhealthy to discuss whether pregnant women should be allowed to choose their delivery method. In the episode, Andolf explains the risks of vaginal delivery...

Who should receive obesity medicines?

Who should receive obesity medicines?

1.3 million Swedes have been diagnosed with obesity or are at risk of becoming obese. Obesity often leads to a range of complications such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and joint and heart problems. Despite this, none of the new effective treatments...

Report launch: Is slim a choice?

Report launch: Is slim a choice?

How should healthcare address obesity? And where do the new obesity drugs fit into the Swedish healthcare system? These are the questions posed by doctor Vincent Flink Amble-Naess, author of the report Är smal ett val? for EPHI. At the launch, the report author discusses these questions with...

Ephi produces talk show with Henrik Jönsson

Ephi produces talk show with Henrik Jönsson

Don't miss the talk show 100%, hosted by Henrik Jönsson and produced by Ephis CEO Marie Söderqvist. In four episodes, Henrik Jönsson talks to a range of exciting guests about everything in Swedish politics and the house band Army of Lovers reunites in the studio and releases new music....



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