Environment program area
Changing our surroundings and environment is fundamentally human. It is equally human to care about the environment and nature. An environmental policy that wants to make a real difference must therefore start with people. How can we best combine our enormous creative power with our care for the living world? How do we use our resources in the best possible way? And how do we translate all this into concrete and implementable policies?
Ephi works on several different projects in the environmental field. Our main focus is on the fight against climate change, but our involvement in environmental issues is broader than that.
Current projects
- Excise duties as an environmental policy tool
- Marginal cost of different climate actions
- Facts in the environmental debate
- The conceptual basis of the environmental movement
- The threats and opportunities: carbon tariffs
What's new

Have the EU´s industry policies run out of charge?
Jonas Grafström, a researcher at Ratio, the Swedish business research institute, has written a report on the collapse of the battery company Northvolt. Northvolt is not alone in being a failing battery company. There are other failing ventures in Europe. The EU...

Make America Healty Again
Make America healthy again! Robert F. Kennedy Jr, RFK, nephew of former President John F Kennedy and son of Robert F Kennedy, who switched from the Democrats to the Republicans in this year's election, will be tasked by President Donald Trump. He will ...

EPHI is looking for student employees
We at EPHI are looking for a flexible, fast and efficient student who can help us with administration, research, receipt management and events alongside their studies. Interested? Contact us at nicolina.soderqvist@ephi.se

In the wake of Northvolt's crisis - EPHI investigates the European Battery Industry
Following the discussions on Northvolt in Sweden and the push for a new competitiveness agenda for the EU, we at EPHI are looking at similar initiatives around Europe. We have commissioned Jonas Grafström, PhD in Economics, to produce a report on the European...

Is the EU's sustainable transition sustainable?
This week, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented the proposal for new Commissioners. Swedish Jessika Roswall was given the environment, water and circular economy portfolio. At the same time, there are other commissioners for climate, sustainable transport and "clean...

EPHI launches in Brussels
EPHI was originally set up by former MEP Christofer Fjellner to work on sustainability and public health issues at EU level. Now EPHI has a person on the ground in Brussels. Erik, tell us a little about yourself? A northerner who grew up in...

Seminar in Parliament on climate emissions and exports
Together with MP Rickard Nordin (C), EPHI organized a seminar on Professor Astrid Kander's report on the climate benefits of Swedish exports. In her report, Astrid Kander presents a new metric for measuring countries' climate-impacting emissions. The method takes into account...

The climate benefit of Swedish exports - a new metric for calculating the climate impact of exports and imports.
The climate benefit of Swedish exports - a new metric for calculating the climate impact of exports and imports Global climate change is a challenge that the world must take on together. A prerequisite for this is that individual countries can map their emissions. The ...

Cash environmental tax? - An evaluation of the excise tax on plastic carrier bags
Should politicians implement environmental policies that upset people in their everyday lives? Then the least you can ask is that the measures have the intended effect and do something good for the environment and the climate. As the plastic bag tax turns two years old, Sofia Höglund explains...

Breifing Paper: China and the Climate after COP 26
China's emissions are the single most important factor for the future of the climate. It currently emits more carbon dioxide than the EU and all other OECD countries combined. This Briefing Paper maps China's greenhouse gas emissions and the country's role in climate change, as well as...

Have the EU´s industry policies run out of charge?
Jonas Grafström, a researcher at Ratio, the Swedish business research institute, has written a report on the collapse of the battery company Northvolt. Northvolt is not alone in being a failing battery company. There are other failing ventures in Europe. The EU...

The climate benefit of Swedish exports - a new metric for calculating the climate impact of exports and imports.
Global climate change is a challenge that the world must take on together. A prerequisite for this is that individual countries can track emissions. This in turn requires accurate metrics. To address this, Professor Astrid Kander presents in this report a new metric, called the technology-adjusted carbon footprint.

Final report - How do we get electricity networks for the future?
Final report - How do we get electricity grids for the future? The electrification of everything from Swedish industry to our transport sector is proceeding at a rapid pace and is a prerequisite for combating climate change. While the debate is raging about how we should...

How do we get electricity grids for the future? 5/6
In the first four reports, we focused on what is at stake, on the scale and nature of the challenge. In this, the fifth of six reports, Mats Nilsson looks for the solutions and what reforms and changes we need to put in place to ensure adequate electricity grids for the future.
Mats Nilsson is an associate professor and researcher with a focus on
environment and the economics of the electricity market.

How do we get electricity grids for the future? 4/6
In the previous reports we have seen that the need for new electricity networks is great and so are the challenges of getting them in place. In this fourth of six reports, we get Erik Lundin's perspective on the electricity grids of the future, focusing on the considerable investments required and how this will affect the grid fees for ordinary people. Lundin is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Business Research and the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development at Stanford University.

How do we get electricity grids for the future? 3/6
In this third of six reports, we get Lars Bergman's perspective on the electricity grid issue. Bergman has a background as President of the Swedish School of Economics and has written the ESO report Voltage at a high level on the role of the electricity grid for secure electricity supplies. This report examines the conditions for creating new electricity grids. What are the challenges?

How to get electricity grids for the future 2/6
In this, the second of six reports, we get Niclas Damgaard's, Chief Strategist at Svenska kraftnät, perspective on the electricity grid of the future, focusing on how big the problem is and what the challenge looks like. How much electricity and electricity networks do we really need?

How do we get electricity grids for the future? 1/6
In this first of six reports, we get Henrik Henriksson's perspective on the electricity grid issue. In his everyday life, Henriksson is CEO of H2 Green Steel, which uses hydrogen instead of coke to produce steel with minimal environmental impact. Hydrogen production requires significant amounts of reliable electricity, delivered on time, to the right place.

Cash environmental tax? - An evaluation of the excise tax on plastic carrier bags
Should politicians implement environmental policies that upset people in their everyday lives? Then the least you can ask is that the efforts have the intended effect and do something good for the environment and the climate. As the plastic bag tax turns two years old, Sofia Höglund explains what has happened since the tax was introduced in a report for EPHI.

China and the climate after COP26
China and the climate after COP26 This Briefing Paper maps China's greenhouse gas emissions and the country's role in climate change, and reviews Chinese authorities' climate ambitions and action plan to achieve carbon neutrality. China's emissions are the...