
A market economy and individual freedom are needed to overcome threats to our environment and health.

Humanity faces both serious and urgent environmental and health problems. We have neither the time nor the money to prioritize anything but the most effective actions. Today, however, environmental and health issues are too often characterized by symbolic politics and wishful thinking.

Ephi presents facts and analysis to contribute to an environmental and health debate based on reality - not on opinions and emotions.

When others paint the future in dark colors on the contrary, we look to the future with confidence. Because humanity has overcome many serious threats throughout history. We have always done so through more human activity and technological progress. Never by turning back the clock.

When others turn to politicians for solutions we look to engineers and entrepreneurs for answers. Because we are convinced that the environmental and health threats of our time are not primarily political challenges but rather engineering and economic ones.

When others see market economy and individual freedom as threats to our environment and health, we believe, on the contrary, that they are the conditions for overcoming them. After all, it is these values that have lifted humanity out of misery and poverty and brought us prosperity and well-being.

However, humanity faces both serious and urgent environmental and health problems. Therefore, we have neither the time nor the money to prioritize anything but the most effective interventions. However, environment and health issues are characterized by symbolic wishful thinking. We want to help change that. Environment and health issues need more facts and serious analysis, less emotion and opinion.

/ Christofer Fjellner and Jonas Grafström - founder of Ephi