133. Should blood donors be paid?

There is a severe shortage of blood in healthcare and regions are buying blood from each other, but the donors themselves receive no financial compensation. Ingrid Engström, communicator for the Blood Center, explains why. We also answer listeners' questions about alternative medicine and how healthcare can be...

132. Vaginal birth is not for everyone

Ellika Andolf, Professor Emerita of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Karolinska Institutet, guests on the podcast to discuss whether pregnant women should be allowed to choose their delivery method. In the episode, Andolf explains the risks of vaginal delivery compared to caesarean section and...

131. Less ideology in City Hall

Swedes are moving less than ever. Can politicians plan for healthy citizens? We find out with Christofer Fjellner (M), opposition mayor and group leader in the city of Stockholm. 

130. Is ageing a disease?

Doctor and writer Vincent Amble-Naess answers everything you ever wondered about diseases and healthcare, and comes up with a big news story.

129. Get rid of your food anxiety

Karin Magnusson, dietitian, CBT therapist and author of the book Kroppskontakt, talks about the complicated relationship with food that many people suffer from, and how to get to the bottom of the problem.