Welcome to the launch of the Environment and Public Health Institute!
EPHI - Environment and Public Health institute - was founded in the summer of 2021 based on the belief that free enterprise, technological development and wealth creation are not the threats to our environment and health, but on the contrary our main tools to face the threats.
We want to lay the foundations for a new environment and health policy - one that is based on people and harnesses their creative power, rather than constantly hindering and restricting it. Because we are convinced that it is engineers and entrepreneurs, rather than politicians, who hold the solutions to the environmental and health problems of our time.
And now (FINALLY!) we're ready to tell you more about ourselves, and how we intend to change the debate. Forever!
That's why YOU and a friend are invited to the launch of EPHI. We want to tell you about what we do, offer something good to eat and drink, and present some of our projects and writers.
/Christofer Fjellner and friends
Location: Västra trädgårdsg. 15
Date: January 18th
Time: At 16.00 hours